Friday, November 19, 2010

Reasons why a woman might need to deliver by Cesarean section

1) The most common reason is failure to progress (FTP) in labor, where labor has stalled because the cervix has stopped dilating or uterine contractions are weak.

2) The second most common reason for cesarean section is fetal distress. Sometimes the baby can not tolerate the strong contractions associated with labor. When the fetal heart tracing becomes non-reassuring, a cesarean section is usually performed.

3) Another common reason for cesarean section is previous cesarean section or surgery on the uterus. Women who delivered by a classical cesarean section in a previous pregnancy must deliver by cesarean section for all following pregnancies.

4) Malposition of the fetus.

5) Vaginal bleeding/placenta previa/placental abruption.

Signs and smptoms

1) You have vaginal bleeding that is either more than spotting or is bright red.

2) Your water breaks and you are not having contractions.

3) Your contractions are closer together than every 5 minutes.

4) You have severe and constant pain, rather than contractions.

5) You are more than 3 weeks away from your due date, but are having more than 5 contractions in an hour.

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